I can't thank you enough for your interest in my wedding invitations! I am excited to customize a set just for you. Hang tight and I'll reach out to you in the next 24 hours with more information on your customized suite!
Keep an eye out for an email that comes from a website called Honeybook - it's a super cool client management software that lets me keep all of our design ideas, proofs and paperwork all stored together for easy access. If you don't see something from me in the next day check your junk mail, and if you still don't hear anything after 2 days - shoot me an email at laura@invitedbylamaworks.com so we can troubleshoot.
Just a heads up - I do try to keep my weekends free to be with my family, so you will likely only hear from me on week days. Thanks for understanding!
If you are ready to go and positive you'd like to work with me, great!!!! To start your order, you can go back to the invitation listing and purchase the $100 proofing deposit. From there you can fill out the wording questionnaire and we'll get working on your proofs!
Thanks to SC Stockshop for the fantastic photos!